Thursday, June 1, 2017

Slog Fest

The demeanor of my doctor was lugubrious without any good cause. My appointment was to review my withdrawals and I expected her to be  lithe and lissome. She was caustic and unemotive in her examination of me and review of my symptoms which had plagued me since my last visit.

I expected her to be percipient and offer solutions to the malaise I had been dealing with for weeks.

Much to my need for her to profligate me and score humanity points she let me down without any warning. She was anything but perspicacious to the myriad of acute neurological symptoms I was experiencing since my medical detox from prescription drugs in March 2K17.

I had been through hell and back and emasculated myself with guilt and shame at the expense of my usual rather high self-esteem. The debilitating nature of the neurological symptoms of my detox includes lazy eyes, a mouth that doesn't close right, a newly formed crooked smile, and a cheek bone muscle that doesn't fire up like the opposing side.

Those are the neurological effects, the extrapyramidal effects include withdrawals that have been left untreated until three weeks ago, when a valium regime was instituted to deal with the withdrawals which were left unmanaged by the scabrous nature of my body's natural revolt to the lack of Xanax not infiltrating my body anymore.

All this leaves me realizing my healthcare professionals made a huge mistake detoxing me off Adderall and Xanax just because I had a wont to continue using these drugs after my self-induced withdrawal from opiates in January of 2K17.

This has left me with a brusque detox that compromised my well-being and my medical saftety as I suffered stroke level high blood pressure as a result of this whipsaw detox to save professional face for concurrently prescribing Xanax and opiates which was black boxed by the FDA in February 2K16. This was NOT my problem and I can assure you my legal team is hard at work proving the medical detox I weltered was by far the worst medical decision made by a medical professional not educated or qualified to make such a decision to exculpate herself from the near fatal mistake her dissolute decision had cost me in the multitude of maladies I have suffered as a result.

Her decision was just a moment in time but the ramifications of her decisions on my being are here to last a life time if I don't receive the capstone medicinal treatment I have required for the past twelve years and a paragon of 6 board certified psychiatrists. She was just a lowly psych-med nurse which brings opprobrium to all her professional peers.

My story is surely not over, in fact it is just getting started as I slowly begin to receive the remedial treatment I now require to compensate for the negligence of one scurrilous psych-med nurse. My well-being will not be determined by her or anyone else unqualified to handle my complex psychiatric case.



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