Thursday, October 5, 2017

Be The Change!

Yesterday was my 41st birthday. My first birthday in twelve years without pharmaceuticals or alcohol.

I was so happy to wake up into a new birthday yesterday clear-minded and drug free as I started my birthday with well wishes and a recovery meeting!

I had an amazing day with well wishes and going out to dinner with my family. This weekend I will celebrate my birthday with Stephanie and my ex-wife and my daughter Bella. I saw all of them last night

Recovery is so fucking amazing as my physical wellness improves daily and my spiritual and mental wellness are improving at another rate as I digest the readings and take in the meetings daily.

My weight is dropping as my anorexia is rearing its ugly head once again. I gained nearly 20 pounds during detox and have lost most of it now as I restrict my food intake. 

U-ME is going strong, and enjoying our new life together in my sobriety. Stephanie is very supportive of every aspect of my recovery and doesn't mind me attending any of the meetings I choose to attend. Recovery meetings give me the opportunity to talk with fellow addicts and share and listen to their stories and climb out of the cellar. Nobody shares the exact same story but their is always something to learn from a fellow addict. The newcomer is just as important as the person with years of sobriety. Everyone has something to share and offer to every meeting. I have never attended a bad meeting. There is something always to learn from each story or share between one addict to another.  I have never not learned something new at a meeting I have attended. I have shared my entire story once, but am really not ready to share my story with a room full of fellow recoverers.

I remain grounded in my recovery and free of all mind altering chemicals besides caffeine. I still drink a cup of coffee or two but that is it for this Corey. I cant say enough about my recovery. It was extremely hard and almost impossible during detox with the withdrawals but now it is more about recovery rather than survival.  I felt at the beginning my body was breaking but now the physical pain as dissipated and recovery is filled with happy, joyous and free feelings.



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