Friday, December 30, 2016

It Is All About The Name

I have put my name out there in many forms and ways, since becoming a full-time blogger last May.

I am currently at 492 posts for all my blogs on blogger. I haven't counted any of my posts on Word Press.

I have been working at Facebook for a couple of years, trying to build my name for myself and a friend base that started with 5 transgender m-to-female friends. I just I started in 2014, and now I am a part of the community and my friends list is maxed out at 5,000 beautiful transgender women.

I am Corey, I was born intersexed, I love achingly beautiful and brilliantly stimulating females. I am a boi/girl even indiscernible to the naked eye. As I have gotten older, my looks have melted together, and I am often mistaken for a beautiful male or handsome female. I am not butch or masculine in any way. I am not domineering nor do I play roles, I am just me, unedited, unscripted and without any labels whatsoever attached to me.

I am physically and personally attracted to genetic females, who are feminine yet brilliant, and toned yet soft. I was married to my ex wife for 10 years, and I did have a lone ovary which they removed and harvested the eggs. My ex wife carried my fertilized egg with a sperm donor, and we have a beautiful and amazing daughter named Bella.

I am engaged again, this time to the most beautiful and stellar girl. Her name is Stephanie, and she is a dentist. We met through friends going on three years, but until this past June, we didn't cross over from platonic to romantic.

We just spent our first Christmas together, and are very close-like today from moving in with one another. Last night we spent the first night in our new bedroom, and today Stephanie will move her last car load of stuff to my place. I mean our place. It has been mine for four years, so it is going to take a little getting used to in the beginning.

Corey Britton is my name and forms a great part of my identity as a master of many things. I want more than anything to be a writer, but I barely get by with my writing when it isn't technical in nature. I have been blogging daily since May, and have missed maybe one day, or two days at the most. I make no excuses for not blogging, and I have multiple blogs to tell all kinds of stories and do all sorts of writing.

I just took a quiz on Facebook. I know how pathetic that I should bring up the results but it analyzes your profile and comments and posts, and gets pretty good sometimes at getting you spot on. This last quiz was one called, Who Are You? It said I had a warriors mentality with a childlike soul of love and compassion for others. It said I always tried to make my friends happy and I never let them down. I wrote on these results that I thought it was pretty spot on, and the comments came back, perfect, yes this is you.....

I am a very hardworking, goal setting, high end achiever, that battled a #HECTIC bout of anorexia. My insane goal setting and my perfectionism  all basically formed the perfect storm for anorexia, when I went back to school in May of 2014. I have a 4.0 GPA and I was inducted into the highest level of honor society's in the world. All these things, are part of my overall goal. I have really high expectations for myself, and not accomplishing them is not an option. I wish at times I was more laid back, but I am rather relaxed for someone who has the breadth of goals and achievements set that I do for the end of this year and the New Year, which starts in another couple days.

I got my name as a domain name as a Christmas present from my ex wife. I am trying to find the perfect place to launch it and I still have yet to find a hosting site. It will come, I just have lots going on with my personal life, and learning how to share my life again with someone else, and my life that involves school, my new non-profit organization I am starting, and everything in between that is important to me. The one promise I made to myself and to my beloved Stephanie, is that after my daughter Bella, or right along side of Bella, is my personal life with Stephanie that I am choosing to make my utmost priority in the end of this year and the start of 2017.

Stephanie and I are know as U-Me, and U-Me has some exciting things ahead in the not so distant future. We will be getting married this year, and moving to the ocean once Bella is done with eighth grade and we find the right house to move into or more likely rehab from the start. Corey Britton failed at marriage once, and I wasn't the spouse I wish I had known or learnt through therapy how to be. I will not fail at marriage with Stephanie, and I will be the spouse I learnt I could and wanted to be.

Getting engaged, and moving in, I see all the ways my life is changing and it is not all about Corey Britton, on any level full throttle. Stephanie is very kind and accepting, and would let me do probably anything I wanted to, but I have been done that path in marriage, and both of us need to be the flower and the gardener.

I have used my new domain at I have been setting up my blog that I will use in a very special way and I am very happy it is inexpensive at $16/month.

Stephanie is on her way home. Tonight going out to eat with Bella, and then after practice tomorrow morning we will make the cookies we have planned to squeeze in this week.

Still not sure about New Year's Eve. Probably going to a house party as New Year's morning Stephanie and I start our new tradition and open our Christmas presents to start the New Year. Still have a couple things to get put away from the madness of Christmas morning.

I am blogging or finishing a blog on tweakedboi today after I figure out when we are all going out tonight, I am trying to get Corey Britton out there for the 500th time by the end of the year on New Year's Eve.



Thursday, December 22, 2016

I Am Corey Britton (Part Two)

Yesterday I wrote about the past year, 2016.

Today I write about the coming year, 2017.  2017, is filled with lots of promise but gets off to a hard start. On January 5th, I will have right thumb surgery to completely fuse my thumb in an operation that is supposed to be quite difficult. Prior to that, just days before, my fiancée moves in with me and we officially begin our life together. We are in the process of setting up a new bedroom, with new Ethan Allen furniture, freshly painted with designs I made, and all new accent pieces. This is something that Stephanie wanted and I couldn't say no.

The furniture just arrived here today, and looks beautiful. We are waiting for the mattress to be delivered tomorrow. I have rented a storage unit for my things going in storage with this move, and Stephanie has movers moving most of her stuff into storage before the 1st. The move will take place the second of January, and we are both really excited! This is more than a dream for both of us.

After my surgery on the 5th, I hope to begin spring semester on the 9th, and begin two more semesters of my generals for my PhD. I am not 100 percent sure I am heading on to continue my PhD in the fall, but with the  generals I am able to get a great consulting gig in data cyber-security. I have to figure out with Stephanie what makes sense and what we are doing about getting married and buying a new house on the ocean.

As opposed to last year, this 2017, is starting out with the person I know I am supposed to be with, and school to get me into my PhD or into the work place if that is what I choose with the cyber-security consulting.

As you know I founded Rainbow Nation For Equality and although it is only a Facebook group, I have full plans to turn it into a non-profit and go national with it so it gains a national presence and a national voice. I have a lot of work to do with that, as I need to set up the new domain, get a phone name, get business cards, and get email and really recruit nationally. On Facebook we are at like 310 members and I want to grow it out to a couple of thousand this year.

I have a lot of personal New Year's resolutions that are well personal, but I can mention them here. I want to get to the gym I joined in November, and get my level of fitness and shape much improved. I want to really work on being a kind person, and never over looking the little guy. I like to say kindness is my new religion and that is saying a lot.

I want to make my relationship with Stephanie my priority in my life along with my relationship with my daughter, Bella.

I want and chose to be the best partner I can be, and if I am not doing well at it, I will head immediately to therapy as Stephanie deserves the very best me, and I pray that is what I offer her. I also want to get more involved in my church, and introduce Stephanie, which I will do at Christmas Eve Mass.

I am interested in getting involved on the national stage of advocacy for people without equality, and that which is a singular, a personal goal, not attached to Rainbow Nation For Equality. I have sprouted little activists wings since the day after the election, and I think I have a lot to offer the community and the message.

I should have mentioned this on January 20 Inauguration Day and the day after the 21st, I hope I am feeling well to be in Washington DC, to protest with the #NOTMYPRESIDENT rally, and then the next day to march in the million women march event. Those are two really big goals, for a couple of reasons. First, I just want to participate. The second reason, is that I hope to have non-profit status for Rainbow Nation For Equality and pass out information, and make loads of contacts. I was thinking ahead, and already had the business cards made up to bring with me to the rallies in DC.

A lot of this year is devoted and dedicated to my once in a life time relationship with Stephanie. We will spend the entire New Year's Day talking about our goals, and are dreams, and how are we going to get there. I am always about the personal achievements but this year is different for me. I am different. Don't get me wrong I still have the fire in the belly, and will go at my achievements and goals 110 percent. But I am now forty and I have changed. Life has changed me. I am so grateful to have a second chance of something that wasn't even capable the first time. Lots of personal growth I see and feel in 2017.

My relationships are my first and foremost priority and I am also super motivated for the achievements I have set out for myself. One thing that is different, on New Years Day, Stephanie and I are taking time to make our relationship resolutions and also spend the morning of News Year's Day opening up our Christmas presents as a new tradition that we are starting.

I could go on and on about goals and achievements, but this is the year Corey cares first and most at being the best person I can be to all the people in my life.



Wednesday, December 21, 2016

I am Corey Britton......Part One 2016 In Review

My goal with my number of blog posts for the end of 2016 was a lofty 500 posts. Today, with 10 days left in the year I am at 478.

I have lots of goals about my blogs, but writing consistently and daily is one of my priorities. I know the quality of my posts has improved just with writing so much. So I think, well I know I will come in shy of the golden 500 posts, but how close can I get to 500 by December 31, 2016 taking into account the number of holidays and time away socializing and celebrating? I know I will blog at least one post a day, so that brings me to 488. I am going to go for it and shoot for 495 posts in 2016, when I started blogging in May, and had no idea what the hell I was doing. I don't know if I blog two posts a day that brings me to 498 with just two posts left to blog. I don't want to make the mistake of falling victim to shear output over interesting and quality. So probably I will realistically finish 2016 with 490 plus blogs. I really doubt I can get to 500. It was a long shot as I was just at 300 posts not too long ago and celebrated my goal. My year end goal in May is to get as close to 1000 posts as possible but that is way out there and would require me to put down other goals and projects I am not willing to sacrifice.

So yes, I am Corey Britton. The old man who has been bashing me on social media is still up to it, and claims I am not a real person. Who would I be then? Honestly? I don't know why I follow him and read his daily bashings of me.

I am getting tired of it, and the lawyers have run into problems with him living in Australia. So there you have my narc and victim and I am the big bad person. He says we were in a social media romance? WTF, I was with Stephanie, getting engaged and I don't like men sexually for the most part. Even being different the way I am, I want to marry a woman, and grow old with her. He has gas lighted me and set me on fire but at this stage the lawyers are supposedly close to getting to the Australian authorities and I hope it is just a matter of time before all of this hellish nightmare with dripping, oozing drama is behind me.

I am getting very excited for my first Christmas with Stephanie, although I have bad Pure Mania going on and my Adderall which usually quells my symptoms is making the fire in my head and body worse. I pray it works itself out before the holidays, or I will be one hurting unit.

I am full of thoughts about Corey's year in review and where Corey's New Year is headed. I am a huge New Year's resolution person so I have been writing in my journal a lot about where I want to go, how I am going to get there, and then what?

My year in review started on a very bad, and really sad note. I innocently ended up with this girl in my life who was hooked on pain killers and valium. It was an awful New Year, and until I returned to school in mid-January, she brought me way down, and of course being Corey I wanted to just be her friend, and get her to well.

I didn't realize how big the drugs were, and how little I palled in comparison. I knew she didn't treat me well, or nice, or keep her words, mean anything she would really try to get me to believe. The drugs were so BIG, they were everything in her life. I was just trying to get through the moment and return to school where I could seek shelter.

Finally after spending something crazy like 21 days and nights at my house, losing her job, and just staying in bed, I was so ready for my schooling to start up and sadly for her to go home, where there was no Corey trying to get her on the right path. I honestly couldn't do it. It was an impossible task and one I still feel really bad about. She was in her young thirties, had gone to graduate school, started a business, which never got off the ground, but she at one point was heading in a totally different direction. Then the addictions came. I know nothing about addictions or addicts, but what I learned was the drugs would always be number one, and anything she had to do to get them was her main priority.

Having been with a lot of girls in my life, I was used to being treated really well. I wanted her to make this whole mess up to me as strictly a friend.

So she finally went home in January and although we continued to talk and it seemed like she still liked me I never saw her again. I called her in March, when I broke my wrist, and my doctors told me I needed to take pain killers. I couldn't be left alone, and I wanted her to take care of me like all the 100's of times I cared for her. She said yes, and the day she was supposed to be coming, she texted me that it was probably better to have Stephanie take care of me, in case she was in a situation where she needed to take pain pills and I might need to go back to the hospital. That was the end of that! I wrote her a scathing truth be told account of who she was, and how I had allowed her to treat me. I have never heard from her again, and I never will. Definitely the most unhealthy person I was ever involved with on any level. Speaking of which, I didn't want to be with her sexually, and out of all the things in the world that is what she begged for. I was turned off by December, and I did not put out anything to give her a cheap ride.

So that brings us up to March of 2016, and of course Stephanie did come and take care of me that weekend and every opportunity she got. She told me outright, after the junkie, there was no more girls for me until she and I figured out our own situation. I was just in deep denial. Stephanie was my best friend and I feared losing her if anything ever went wrong. She was my rock, and I couldn't risk it.

I finished up spring semester and got inducted into the highest honor society there is-it was a goal of mine like maintaining a 4.0 gpa, and I was super happy to accomplish both. I had a week off and started summer school, and around that time Stephanie who I spent all my time with and I crossed over from platonic to romantic. She is the most achingly beautiful woman I have ever seen and brilliant as well. She is a dentist in Portsmouth for a practice where I think she will make partner by year end.

I took a fall in May, and broke my left wrist and mangled my right knee. I had to drop the semester and all my 4..0's to have surgery and I needed a walker to get around. It was at that time I decided to work for the Clinton campaign. My ex-wife gave me the best advice, she said, "You will never forgive yourself if you don't do this." I had worked on the 2008 campaign as well. So I took two semesters off from school: summer and fall and worked for the Clinton campaign full-time.

Everything was perfect with Stephanie and I and we were cruzing towards engagement. In August I took another fall from the leg I had operated in May, and I went air-born and missed the porch stairs and landed splatt on the pavement. What didn't I injure? I have had two surgeries and will have my right thumb operated on January 5th, and it will be fused. Then I have two more increasingly intensive surgeries.

Stephanie and I were getting ready to get engaged and I froze. I have no idea why, except my fear of losing her. I worked the campaign and we didn't really see one another. I was miserable, missed her everyday, and was really down. Finally in October we talked, and I knew I had to go for it. She is the woman for me, and she believes I am the only person for her. The campaign ended and I started Rainbow Nation for Equality the very next day. I was looking for a group with activism to join and I couldn't find what I was looking for, so with the help of a friend, I started it.

Stephanie and I went to Florida with my ex wife and Bella to see my parents for Thanksgiving. We came back and got engaged and yes it was magically, and she is moving in around the first of the year.

I think 2016 is a good chunk of last year, and I will save my plans, our plans, and my resolutions for 2017 in part two of "I am Corey Britton."



Friday, December 16, 2016

It Is All In The Name

So last night or early this morning I posted under my new domain coreybritton. I am so happy with my 9 dollar gift of purchasing the domain with my name.

I realize as I work on my plans for the new site and project using my name that there is so many things I can do with it.

Tonight I want to share another project of mine that I created and that my name domain will help in the bigger picture.

Everyone basically knows I was a staffer for Hillary Clinton and as you might expect for me the loss was devastating. Immediately the next day I started to look around Facebook for a group to quickly join and get involved with.

Well I didn't  find a group I was looking for, so on a wing and a prayer I started my own group called Rainbow Nation For Equality. It is to foster and protect and be peaceful activists so that all minorities including the LGBT community and especially the transgender community are finally given rights of equality  that are already there's and they get anti-discrimination protection for all the reasons they are discriminated against everyday. Rainbow Nation supports all minorities without equal rights and protection and we started with just me and my dearest friend Michelle.

We have been very selective in accepting people into the group, and have over three hundred and 10 active members.

It is such a passion of mine that I found my activist wings, that now I am taking the group nationally as a non-profit so we have national legitimacy and a national voice. I have made a lot of political contacts in my past work on campaigns and if I can get Rainbow Nation to the national stage, while using my own domain name to further my own exposure and who I am, then believe Rainbow Nation will be a major player in the future against the fights for equality for all for this new administration.

Having my own domain name helps me in just about everything I do on the Internet especially my blogging.

I am able to personify myself as a blogger, and have people read about who I am and what makes me tick. I think in a way it is crucial if you are looking or aspiring to be a know blogger or anything. Having my own domain name with my name is going to facilitate the obvious exposure I might receive and translate into other people's interest in my blogs.

I am currently looking for a hosting site and that is really tricky. A lot of hosting sites don't want you or won't allow you to use custom domain names. On top of that they want to build your website and design it when I want this entire project to read and feel like Corey Britton.

I may be forced to use a web developer as a last ditch effort to get a host to take my domain name. I am working on the schematics of my personal website that will make these other cookie cutter ones pall in comparison. I am going to have my favorite links, books, other blogs I follow, and my other blogs, as well as I hope my fiancée Stephanie lets me post a picture of us together. There is going to be Stephanie's own section on the wedding and what she is doing and what she has picked, and maybe a spot for Bella my daughter to blog, as she is now 14.

It truly will be an amalgamation of all of my blogs that I have divided parts of me into. Maybe these or some of these other blogs will go away?

I have lofty goals that run parallel to my Rainbow Nation project, and I want to get out in front with my own name domain, so people can look me up and with the new business cards for Rainbow Nation it will have both my Rainbow Nation domain and web address as well as my own name domain address.

Today in fact, another Christmas present, the business cards for Rainbow Nation will be designed and ordered in time for the inauguration.

I am excited about all that is happening and I believe my own name domain will benefit me in almost every facet of my life. My prospective employers can check it out and it is going to be very dynamic and have my Prezi resume and PowerPoint slides on Rainbow Nation with a direct link to Rainbow Nation. I want to have a phone app integrated into my name domain, and some other cool things like google docs, and drive, and some productivity app along with a calendar app so people can see my schedule. I am not so sure about a SSM texting app as I think that might be too invasive for me.

As you can see I am super happy and ready for this challenge. I know it will be a steep learning curve and I will have to probably look at other dynamic web sites to get a clue as to what I truly want mine to look like.

Well I am off to get another coffee, and get going with my business card designs. I will hopefully have an image of the card tonight to post and show you all. I have lots of work to do for my domain name and Rainbow Nation. Perhaps a couple hours dedicated to each?



Thursday, December 15, 2016

My New Chistmas Present and Changes in The New Year-About Corey

I purchased the domain which I am not using here but I have plans for the new year to use it in a much bigger way than I have been blogging.

I am excited about this new project and getting your name as a domain is a big score and I feel pretty lucky. I was surprised it wasn't taken, but coreysuniverse was which I don't think makes too much sense was not available. I think everyone should buy their domain name if it is possible. There are people who just buy up random domains so then if you want it like it is your name, you have to pay their price for it.

So Christmas is coming and I already bought myself an early Christmas present. is going to be a blog where I get really real and don't hold back. I will maintain the privacy of others but really it is a blog about me and what I think and the projects I am working on.

Today I put it on blogger because I have to find a hosting site that will take my domain name. Blogger here won't let me do it but that is okay, I need time to look around for a hosting site that fits my needs and now I can begin blogging under my name and take a couple of weeks to find the right host.

Stephanie for those of you who don't know,is my new fiancée and past bff for almost three years. I just turned forty and I am divorced after a 10 year marriage and have one daughter named, Bella. I'm waiting to go back to school for spring semester as I finish up my generals for my PhD.

This is a very special holiday season for Stephanie and I  She is moving in after the 1st of the year and both of us really can't wait.

For those of you who don't know I took a brutal fall, went air born and the whole nine yards, and received injuries to both hands and legs. I have had two surgeries, and will have the third surgery to fuse my entire thumb on Jan 5th. Hopefully, Stephanie will be moved in to my house by then.

I am also a person who suffers from pure mania. It isn't at all related to bipolar mania, and I get by with sometimes just one to two hours sleep. There is a constant fire burning in my brain and body, and I am unable to ever nap, or just rest. The first year of my life I didn't sleep at all. There are no medications for it, but I take high dosages of Adderall to quell the symptoms. Sometimes it works, other times because the fire rages at various intensities I am not able to control the symptoms with Adderall.

I have what I call the maniac's hours from anywhere from 12:30 am to 6:00am. When I awaken I go to the 24 hour store and get a latte which I then come home and take with my first Adderall. I call it the golden elixir, and I am able to produce amazing amounts of work, either for school or for my blogs.

I just started blogging in May, and have many different blogs for specific subjects. I use blogger mainly, but have a domain on WordPress as well.

I was born intersexed so that makes me different and I am only attracted to achingly beautiful and brilliantly stimulating women. Lots of people think I am different and unique as I am organically a mixture of boi/girl. I identify just as Corey, and like guys a lot as friends, but they always want it to be something more which leads to big problems.

I have an ex wife with whom I raise our 14 year old daughter, Bella. We get along quite well and I am happy now and okay with the divorce which wasn't my choice. I now know I deserve someone like Stephanie and my ex wife did us both a favor by calling for a divorce. It caught me way off guard, as we had never fought, but she kept everything inside until she was ready to make the break. I was lost and not found for a couple of years. My marriage was everything to me as was my family. I have been through enough therapy to know now that I am not a failure and that I deserve to be happy with the right person. That person is Stephanie, we have been bffs for close to three years, and she has loved me for a long time. I never knew she liked me, then my friends told me, and I didn't believe them. I ignored the whole thing because I was scared of losing Stephanie's friendship which I knew was something I couldn't live without. After the last girl in my life, the worst situation to date, a person who was an addict or a junkie, Stephanie told me when I got out of that situation last spring that I could not date anyone else until we dealt with us. We did deal and in June crossed over from platonic to romantic and that is where it all began.

I am 5 feet 7 inches, with cropped platinum hair, and really blue eyes, and I am I guess pretty but not in a girl way. I have lots of people ask me before they have heard me speak if I am a boi or a girl. I am not into men's things or women's things, so I really say I am just Corey. There isn't a line for me to stand in, and mostly straight girls are attracted to me, All the girls I have been with have been straight and always wanted a relationship with me, but I was a big player, and wasn't committed to anyone besides my ex wife and Stephanie.

I love to learn, and writing is something I truly want to get good at. I am for some reason a person with a very high IQ as my mother had it tested when I was five, and then I had it tested at 21. Both scores were within three points of each other. Learning is something I crave, and I worked as a stock broker out of college, and was a principal trader and as soon as I got to Sachs I was looking to get out. I got married at 24, and left Sachs retired at 26, when my daughter Bella was born. I decided to go get my PhD for the hell of it, but I don't know if I will use it.

I believe in a God, and I have unwavering faith, which is pretty rare for someone my age. As a result of being born intersexed I look a lot younger and act a lot younger than I am. I will post my Facebook profile picture here before I end this post.

This is a loose start to Corey. There are so many layers, and creases it will take a long time to get to all of me. Oh yes, I am just recovering from anorexia after a two ye
ar battle. I was very sick and I have blogged a lot about my story here on blogger. I really need to finish it.

I will end here as there is only so much about Corey one can stomach at a time. I will be letting you know more about me, and writing about real life from my perspective.
