Thursday, December 22, 2016

I Am Corey Britton (Part Two)

Yesterday I wrote about the past year, 2016.

Today I write about the coming year, 2017.  2017, is filled with lots of promise but gets off to a hard start. On January 5th, I will have right thumb surgery to completely fuse my thumb in an operation that is supposed to be quite difficult. Prior to that, just days before, my fiancée moves in with me and we officially begin our life together. We are in the process of setting up a new bedroom, with new Ethan Allen furniture, freshly painted with designs I made, and all new accent pieces. This is something that Stephanie wanted and I couldn't say no.

The furniture just arrived here today, and looks beautiful. We are waiting for the mattress to be delivered tomorrow. I have rented a storage unit for my things going in storage with this move, and Stephanie has movers moving most of her stuff into storage before the 1st. The move will take place the second of January, and we are both really excited! This is more than a dream for both of us.

After my surgery on the 5th, I hope to begin spring semester on the 9th, and begin two more semesters of my generals for my PhD. I am not 100 percent sure I am heading on to continue my PhD in the fall, but with the  generals I am able to get a great consulting gig in data cyber-security. I have to figure out with Stephanie what makes sense and what we are doing about getting married and buying a new house on the ocean.

As opposed to last year, this 2017, is starting out with the person I know I am supposed to be with, and school to get me into my PhD or into the work place if that is what I choose with the cyber-security consulting.

As you know I founded Rainbow Nation For Equality and although it is only a Facebook group, I have full plans to turn it into a non-profit and go national with it so it gains a national presence and a national voice. I have a lot of work to do with that, as I need to set up the new domain, get a phone name, get business cards, and get email and really recruit nationally. On Facebook we are at like 310 members and I want to grow it out to a couple of thousand this year.

I have a lot of personal New Year's resolutions that are well personal, but I can mention them here. I want to get to the gym I joined in November, and get my level of fitness and shape much improved. I want to really work on being a kind person, and never over looking the little guy. I like to say kindness is my new religion and that is saying a lot.

I want to make my relationship with Stephanie my priority in my life along with my relationship with my daughter, Bella.

I want and chose to be the best partner I can be, and if I am not doing well at it, I will head immediately to therapy as Stephanie deserves the very best me, and I pray that is what I offer her. I also want to get more involved in my church, and introduce Stephanie, which I will do at Christmas Eve Mass.

I am interested in getting involved on the national stage of advocacy for people without equality, and that which is a singular, a personal goal, not attached to Rainbow Nation For Equality. I have sprouted little activists wings since the day after the election, and I think I have a lot to offer the community and the message.

I should have mentioned this on January 20 Inauguration Day and the day after the 21st, I hope I am feeling well to be in Washington DC, to protest with the #NOTMYPRESIDENT rally, and then the next day to march in the million women march event. Those are two really big goals, for a couple of reasons. First, I just want to participate. The second reason, is that I hope to have non-profit status for Rainbow Nation For Equality and pass out information, and make loads of contacts. I was thinking ahead, and already had the business cards made up to bring with me to the rallies in DC.

A lot of this year is devoted and dedicated to my once in a life time relationship with Stephanie. We will spend the entire New Year's Day talking about our goals, and are dreams, and how are we going to get there. I am always about the personal achievements but this year is different for me. I am different. Don't get me wrong I still have the fire in the belly, and will go at my achievements and goals 110 percent. But I am now forty and I have changed. Life has changed me. I am so grateful to have a second chance of something that wasn't even capable the first time. Lots of personal growth I see and feel in 2017.

My relationships are my first and foremost priority and I am also super motivated for the achievements I have set out for myself. One thing that is different, on New Years Day, Stephanie and I are taking time to make our relationship resolutions and also spend the morning of News Year's Day opening up our Christmas presents as a new tradition that we are starting.

I could go on and on about goals and achievements, but this is the year Corey cares first and most at being the best person I can be to all the people in my life.



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