Friday, December 30, 2016

It Is All About The Name

I have put my name out there in many forms and ways, since becoming a full-time blogger last May.

I am currently at 492 posts for all my blogs on blogger. I haven't counted any of my posts on Word Press.

I have been working at Facebook for a couple of years, trying to build my name for myself and a friend base that started with 5 transgender m-to-female friends. I just I started in 2014, and now I am a part of the community and my friends list is maxed out at 5,000 beautiful transgender women.

I am Corey, I was born intersexed, I love achingly beautiful and brilliantly stimulating females. I am a boi/girl even indiscernible to the naked eye. As I have gotten older, my looks have melted together, and I am often mistaken for a beautiful male or handsome female. I am not butch or masculine in any way. I am not domineering nor do I play roles, I am just me, unedited, unscripted and without any labels whatsoever attached to me.

I am physically and personally attracted to genetic females, who are feminine yet brilliant, and toned yet soft. I was married to my ex wife for 10 years, and I did have a lone ovary which they removed and harvested the eggs. My ex wife carried my fertilized egg with a sperm donor, and we have a beautiful and amazing daughter named Bella.

I am engaged again, this time to the most beautiful and stellar girl. Her name is Stephanie, and she is a dentist. We met through friends going on three years, but until this past June, we didn't cross over from platonic to romantic.

We just spent our first Christmas together, and are very close-like today from moving in with one another. Last night we spent the first night in our new bedroom, and today Stephanie will move her last car load of stuff to my place. I mean our place. It has been mine for four years, so it is going to take a little getting used to in the beginning.

Corey Britton is my name and forms a great part of my identity as a master of many things. I want more than anything to be a writer, but I barely get by with my writing when it isn't technical in nature. I have been blogging daily since May, and have missed maybe one day, or two days at the most. I make no excuses for not blogging, and I have multiple blogs to tell all kinds of stories and do all sorts of writing.

I just took a quiz on Facebook. I know how pathetic that I should bring up the results but it analyzes your profile and comments and posts, and gets pretty good sometimes at getting you spot on. This last quiz was one called, Who Are You? It said I had a warriors mentality with a childlike soul of love and compassion for others. It said I always tried to make my friends happy and I never let them down. I wrote on these results that I thought it was pretty spot on, and the comments came back, perfect, yes this is you.....

I am a very hardworking, goal setting, high end achiever, that battled a #HECTIC bout of anorexia. My insane goal setting and my perfectionism  all basically formed the perfect storm for anorexia, when I went back to school in May of 2014. I have a 4.0 GPA and I was inducted into the highest level of honor society's in the world. All these things, are part of my overall goal. I have really high expectations for myself, and not accomplishing them is not an option. I wish at times I was more laid back, but I am rather relaxed for someone who has the breadth of goals and achievements set that I do for the end of this year and the New Year, which starts in another couple days.

I got my name as a domain name as a Christmas present from my ex wife. I am trying to find the perfect place to launch it and I still have yet to find a hosting site. It will come, I just have lots going on with my personal life, and learning how to share my life again with someone else, and my life that involves school, my new non-profit organization I am starting, and everything in between that is important to me. The one promise I made to myself and to my beloved Stephanie, is that after my daughter Bella, or right along side of Bella, is my personal life with Stephanie that I am choosing to make my utmost priority in the end of this year and the start of 2017.

Stephanie and I are know as U-Me, and U-Me has some exciting things ahead in the not so distant future. We will be getting married this year, and moving to the ocean once Bella is done with eighth grade and we find the right house to move into or more likely rehab from the start. Corey Britton failed at marriage once, and I wasn't the spouse I wish I had known or learnt through therapy how to be. I will not fail at marriage with Stephanie, and I will be the spouse I learnt I could and wanted to be.

Getting engaged, and moving in, I see all the ways my life is changing and it is not all about Corey Britton, on any level full throttle. Stephanie is very kind and accepting, and would let me do probably anything I wanted to, but I have been done that path in marriage, and both of us need to be the flower and the gardener.

I have used my new domain at I have been setting up my blog that I will use in a very special way and I am very happy it is inexpensive at $16/month.

Stephanie is on her way home. Tonight going out to eat with Bella, and then after practice tomorrow morning we will make the cookies we have planned to squeeze in this week.

Still not sure about New Year's Eve. Probably going to a house party as New Year's morning Stephanie and I start our new tradition and open our Christmas presents to start the New Year. Still have a couple things to get put away from the madness of Christmas morning.

I am blogging or finishing a blog on tweakedboi today after I figure out when we are all going out tonight, I am trying to get Corey Britton out there for the 500th time by the end of the year on New Year's Eve.



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