Wednesday, December 21, 2016

I am Corey Britton......Part One 2016 In Review

My goal with my number of blog posts for the end of 2016 was a lofty 500 posts. Today, with 10 days left in the year I am at 478.

I have lots of goals about my blogs, but writing consistently and daily is one of my priorities. I know the quality of my posts has improved just with writing so much. So I think, well I know I will come in shy of the golden 500 posts, but how close can I get to 500 by December 31, 2016 taking into account the number of holidays and time away socializing and celebrating? I know I will blog at least one post a day, so that brings me to 488. I am going to go for it and shoot for 495 posts in 2016, when I started blogging in May, and had no idea what the hell I was doing. I don't know if I blog two posts a day that brings me to 498 with just two posts left to blog. I don't want to make the mistake of falling victim to shear output over interesting and quality. So probably I will realistically finish 2016 with 490 plus blogs. I really doubt I can get to 500. It was a long shot as I was just at 300 posts not too long ago and celebrated my goal. My year end goal in May is to get as close to 1000 posts as possible but that is way out there and would require me to put down other goals and projects I am not willing to sacrifice.

So yes, I am Corey Britton. The old man who has been bashing me on social media is still up to it, and claims I am not a real person. Who would I be then? Honestly? I don't know why I follow him and read his daily bashings of me.

I am getting tired of it, and the lawyers have run into problems with him living in Australia. So there you have my narc and victim and I am the big bad person. He says we were in a social media romance? WTF, I was with Stephanie, getting engaged and I don't like men sexually for the most part. Even being different the way I am, I want to marry a woman, and grow old with her. He has gas lighted me and set me on fire but at this stage the lawyers are supposedly close to getting to the Australian authorities and I hope it is just a matter of time before all of this hellish nightmare with dripping, oozing drama is behind me.

I am getting very excited for my first Christmas with Stephanie, although I have bad Pure Mania going on and my Adderall which usually quells my symptoms is making the fire in my head and body worse. I pray it works itself out before the holidays, or I will be one hurting unit.

I am full of thoughts about Corey's year in review and where Corey's New Year is headed. I am a huge New Year's resolution person so I have been writing in my journal a lot about where I want to go, how I am going to get there, and then what?

My year in review started on a very bad, and really sad note. I innocently ended up with this girl in my life who was hooked on pain killers and valium. It was an awful New Year, and until I returned to school in mid-January, she brought me way down, and of course being Corey I wanted to just be her friend, and get her to well.

I didn't realize how big the drugs were, and how little I palled in comparison. I knew she didn't treat me well, or nice, or keep her words, mean anything she would really try to get me to believe. The drugs were so BIG, they were everything in her life. I was just trying to get through the moment and return to school where I could seek shelter.

Finally after spending something crazy like 21 days and nights at my house, losing her job, and just staying in bed, I was so ready for my schooling to start up and sadly for her to go home, where there was no Corey trying to get her on the right path. I honestly couldn't do it. It was an impossible task and one I still feel really bad about. She was in her young thirties, had gone to graduate school, started a business, which never got off the ground, but she at one point was heading in a totally different direction. Then the addictions came. I know nothing about addictions or addicts, but what I learned was the drugs would always be number one, and anything she had to do to get them was her main priority.

Having been with a lot of girls in my life, I was used to being treated really well. I wanted her to make this whole mess up to me as strictly a friend.

So she finally went home in January and although we continued to talk and it seemed like she still liked me I never saw her again. I called her in March, when I broke my wrist, and my doctors told me I needed to take pain killers. I couldn't be left alone, and I wanted her to take care of me like all the 100's of times I cared for her. She said yes, and the day she was supposed to be coming, she texted me that it was probably better to have Stephanie take care of me, in case she was in a situation where she needed to take pain pills and I might need to go back to the hospital. That was the end of that! I wrote her a scathing truth be told account of who she was, and how I had allowed her to treat me. I have never heard from her again, and I never will. Definitely the most unhealthy person I was ever involved with on any level. Speaking of which, I didn't want to be with her sexually, and out of all the things in the world that is what she begged for. I was turned off by December, and I did not put out anything to give her a cheap ride.

So that brings us up to March of 2016, and of course Stephanie did come and take care of me that weekend and every opportunity she got. She told me outright, after the junkie, there was no more girls for me until she and I figured out our own situation. I was just in deep denial. Stephanie was my best friend and I feared losing her if anything ever went wrong. She was my rock, and I couldn't risk it.

I finished up spring semester and got inducted into the highest honor society there is-it was a goal of mine like maintaining a 4.0 gpa, and I was super happy to accomplish both. I had a week off and started summer school, and around that time Stephanie who I spent all my time with and I crossed over from platonic to romantic. She is the most achingly beautiful woman I have ever seen and brilliant as well. She is a dentist in Portsmouth for a practice where I think she will make partner by year end.

I took a fall in May, and broke my left wrist and mangled my right knee. I had to drop the semester and all my 4..0's to have surgery and I needed a walker to get around. It was at that time I decided to work for the Clinton campaign. My ex-wife gave me the best advice, she said, "You will never forgive yourself if you don't do this." I had worked on the 2008 campaign as well. So I took two semesters off from school: summer and fall and worked for the Clinton campaign full-time.

Everything was perfect with Stephanie and I and we were cruzing towards engagement. In August I took another fall from the leg I had operated in May, and I went air-born and missed the porch stairs and landed splatt on the pavement. What didn't I injure? I have had two surgeries and will have my right thumb operated on January 5th, and it will be fused. Then I have two more increasingly intensive surgeries.

Stephanie and I were getting ready to get engaged and I froze. I have no idea why, except my fear of losing her. I worked the campaign and we didn't really see one another. I was miserable, missed her everyday, and was really down. Finally in October we talked, and I knew I had to go for it. She is the woman for me, and she believes I am the only person for her. The campaign ended and I started Rainbow Nation for Equality the very next day. I was looking for a group with activism to join and I couldn't find what I was looking for, so with the help of a friend, I started it.

Stephanie and I went to Florida with my ex wife and Bella to see my parents for Thanksgiving. We came back and got engaged and yes it was magically, and she is moving in around the first of the year.

I think 2016 is a good chunk of last year, and I will save my plans, our plans, and my resolutions for 2017 in part two of "I am Corey Britton."



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