Friday, December 16, 2016

It Is All In The Name

So last night or early this morning I posted under my new domain coreybritton. I am so happy with my 9 dollar gift of purchasing the domain with my name.

I realize as I work on my plans for the new site and project using my name that there is so many things I can do with it.

Tonight I want to share another project of mine that I created and that my name domain will help in the bigger picture.

Everyone basically knows I was a staffer for Hillary Clinton and as you might expect for me the loss was devastating. Immediately the next day I started to look around Facebook for a group to quickly join and get involved with.

Well I didn't  find a group I was looking for, so on a wing and a prayer I started my own group called Rainbow Nation For Equality. It is to foster and protect and be peaceful activists so that all minorities including the LGBT community and especially the transgender community are finally given rights of equality  that are already there's and they get anti-discrimination protection for all the reasons they are discriminated against everyday. Rainbow Nation supports all minorities without equal rights and protection and we started with just me and my dearest friend Michelle.

We have been very selective in accepting people into the group, and have over three hundred and 10 active members.

It is such a passion of mine that I found my activist wings, that now I am taking the group nationally as a non-profit so we have national legitimacy and a national voice. I have made a lot of political contacts in my past work on campaigns and if I can get Rainbow Nation to the national stage, while using my own domain name to further my own exposure and who I am, then believe Rainbow Nation will be a major player in the future against the fights for equality for all for this new administration.

Having my own domain name helps me in just about everything I do on the Internet especially my blogging.

I am able to personify myself as a blogger, and have people read about who I am and what makes me tick. I think in a way it is crucial if you are looking or aspiring to be a know blogger or anything. Having my own domain name with my name is going to facilitate the obvious exposure I might receive and translate into other people's interest in my blogs.

I am currently looking for a hosting site and that is really tricky. A lot of hosting sites don't want you or won't allow you to use custom domain names. On top of that they want to build your website and design it when I want this entire project to read and feel like Corey Britton.

I may be forced to use a web developer as a last ditch effort to get a host to take my domain name. I am working on the schematics of my personal website that will make these other cookie cutter ones pall in comparison. I am going to have my favorite links, books, other blogs I follow, and my other blogs, as well as I hope my fiancée Stephanie lets me post a picture of us together. There is going to be Stephanie's own section on the wedding and what she is doing and what she has picked, and maybe a spot for Bella my daughter to blog, as she is now 14.

It truly will be an amalgamation of all of my blogs that I have divided parts of me into. Maybe these or some of these other blogs will go away?

I have lofty goals that run parallel to my Rainbow Nation project, and I want to get out in front with my own name domain, so people can look me up and with the new business cards for Rainbow Nation it will have both my Rainbow Nation domain and web address as well as my own name domain address.

Today in fact, another Christmas present, the business cards for Rainbow Nation will be designed and ordered in time for the inauguration.

I am excited about all that is happening and I believe my own name domain will benefit me in almost every facet of my life. My prospective employers can check it out and it is going to be very dynamic and have my Prezi resume and PowerPoint slides on Rainbow Nation with a direct link to Rainbow Nation. I want to have a phone app integrated into my name domain, and some other cool things like google docs, and drive, and some productivity app along with a calendar app so people can see my schedule. I am not so sure about a SSM texting app as I think that might be too invasive for me.

As you can see I am super happy and ready for this challenge. I know it will be a steep learning curve and I will have to probably look at other dynamic web sites to get a clue as to what I truly want mine to look like.

Well I am off to get another coffee, and get going with my business card designs. I will hopefully have an image of the card tonight to post and show you all. I have lots of work to do for my domain name and Rainbow Nation. Perhaps a couple hours dedicated to each?



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