Thursday, January 5, 2017

Surgery Day For Corey Britton

I had my thumb fused this morning and  expandable pins inserted. The operation was a lot more than the surgeon anticipated, and I am home now and already in pain.

I was able to get Stephanie to take me to the hospital for 6 am, as surgery was first case at 7 am. I had even found a cab to take me, which I wasn't psyched about but Stephanie insisted on taking me even though it would make her late getting to the office.

I was very grateful, and got there right on time. They took me right away, and processed me, and got me hooked up with a nurse who oversaw me getting ready for surgery. As soon as I had my hospital clothes on, the anesthesiologist appeared, as I am a special case because I have this rare condition that is fatal if I am around even gases from a previous surgery in that operating room. I have to be the first patient in a room that is clean, and no general anesthetics can be used. For today's surgery they were doing a nerve block, that would paralyze my entire arm from shoulder to finger tips. It is not the most comfortable anesthesia, as they go in through your armpit and with huge needles fine the major nerves and block them. My anesthesiologist came by to see me and reassure me that this wouldn't hurt today like in days passed. She could tell I was nervous and said, "We will give you anti-anxiety medication before we do the block.

They took me 10 minutes later and gave me something good in my IV. Quickly my anxiety just vanished, and then they began working on the block. They said because I was so skinny I was really easy to do, and the block didn't hurt one bit even though there were 6 inch needles being put all over into my arm pit. My arm just suddenly went dead.

They gave me the drug propanol which is the drug that killed Michael Jacksom  and  that my friends is a beautiful experience and ride that you don't even remember time passing by. My surgery was supposed to take 1.5 hours and it took over three hours. My surgeon came to recovery to show me all the pictures with the pins and to tell me I would probably be uncomfortable and he was writing a script for pain pills even though my primary care writes me monthly scripts now and he knows that.

I was surprised with the new script but I couldn't read what they were for....I got back to my room and I wasn't even there 40 minutes and my ex wife shows up to take me home. I was really confused as I was no where near being ready to leave. She said the nurse left a message telling her I would be ready in an hour over an hour ago. My ex wife had to go run a business call so she said, "'I will be back for you after 12 pm" That seemed more reasonable.

The nurses were nice, and brought my script down to pharmacy to be filled so all I had to do was pick it up on our way out. I played with my phone, and the nurse had to really help me get dressed.

My ex wife arrived after 12 pm, they made her hear all the post op report and the instructions and we then headed out to get my script and the car. The pharmacist at the hospital said the doctor wanted me to take these pain pills instead of my other ones, and I was shocked for 15mg Vicodin at 60 pills I only paid 4 dollars.

My ex wife is high maintenance and does this all the time and rightly so, but she said the last two times she has picked me up, the hospital is not ready and she thinks it is not okay for her as the caregiver or for me the patient, so she was going to call the hospital today and let them know as she said, "We are the customer." I just laughed to myself and was happy to be heading home with 60 extra pain pills!

I got home around 1:30 pm and couldn't get my jacket off, or open a pill bottle. It was very good that my ex wife was there to get me settled. She made me lunch and handed me my pills as the pain was just searing and all I could see were the pictures with all the expandable pins.

I have talked to Stephanie and she is getting out at 3 pm, so she is on her way home now. She is off tomorrow and we have the weekend and next Monday, as she took a personal day. I am very happy to see her, and very grateful to my ex wife for what she did, and of course so grateful for all Stephanie does.

I had to take a second dose of pain pills as the pain was that bad, and now I am in pain but it is bearable.

I wanted to write that Corey Britton will be doing a lot of blogging, and hopefully going to Bella's swim meet on Saturday and Sunday.

I am okay, and think my foot surgery will happen in the next 8 weeks, even though my hand will not be healed, I can crutch.

I wrote to my school today and asked to meet with my advisor. I think I can only take one course this term and it should be in the most advanced math class. I thought about it today, and with my foot next, I think starting back for summer semester makes the most sense.

My arm is less dead, and I can feel a lot of pain and my other fingers are starting to come back to life. Something like Corey Britton is doing too.

This is a big year for Corey Britton and I can't share everything I am doing but there will be a lot of surprises, I promise you.

I am thinking I need more pain medication, and I will wait until Stephanie is home to take it. She will take control of my pain pills and make sure I get ahead of this pain. It is just gnawing at me right mow.

Laters my fellow readers and peeps!



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