Monday, January 16, 2017

Corey Britton Pains and Gains

I got up at 6:20 am for my hand surgeon appointment. Stephanie couldn't take me there so she felt bad, and I felt scared. I got to my appointment at 10:15am and had my dressing cut off my hand. I will include pictures when I am done writing. My biggest worry was that pins weren't in place, but an x-ray confirmed the bones are not healed but everything is in place. My next worry was the surgeon was going to tell me I could crutch and I would have massive surgery on my foot immediately. Nope, he doesn't want any weight-bearing for at least 4 weeks while I heal and then he will take another x-ray and see how it is healing. I was so relieved and I picked out a jet black cast. Pretty slick!

I am relieved that my body which is battling anorexia is going to have time between operations to heal. Last night the worst thing happened to me on Facebook. I posted a meme about no more skinny, time for muscles and badass. This guy attacks me and said Corey lets open a restaurant for anorexics, what should we call it? Then before I can respond he says waaa I don't want to eat. He continued and I told him how small his dick was and he blocked me. I felt so diminished as I almost died and friends of mine haven't made it. I was so taken back I posted the interaction and outed his name. This boi/girl went to bed in tears last night.

I have received today so many beautiful personal comments and compliments but I realized I have a 5000 member friends list and I am cutting it back to no more than a thousand. If people expect me to like their stuff but can't like mine except once in awhile than they won't even notice. If it wasn't for my Rainbow Nation For Equality, I would just start a new Facebook profile and be done with the crap. I don't like conflict and I loathe haters like that man last night.

I just got a surprise like 20 minutes ago. Stephanie came home early! She said her office was worried about me, and told her to take the afternoon off, after they had a meeting with her, and made her a partner! I am so happy for her! She has worked so hard and she really deserves this.

I can't go to DC as my weight is too low, and my hand is in a full arm cast, and I am just starting to heal. I will do as much as I can from home and have my Resistor stickers and I am ready to be a resistor on Thursday!

I need to concentrate and be smart about all I have going on  and I have a lot to do with my anorexia and with school, as well as Rainbow Nation.

I can not believe they let Stephanie come home. We shared the biggest U-Me kiss; at least for 45 seconds, and it wasn't meant to be sexy.

Stephanie has a special project she is working on for the practice and I am so happy that while I blog she will be at the coffee table in my study. Champagne definitely tonight!

I am relaxing a bit a hoping for a nice afternoon and a post on Tweakedboi that is half written.

Please don't ever under-estimate the ills of anorexia as it has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric illness. I was very close to being a statistic my self. I am far from being healthy.

I will attach pictures of my thumb and my new cast. Going to enjoy a moment or two with my Stephanie now a Partner!



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