Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wednesday Musings

Last night Stephanie came home and I had chilled a bottle of Perrier Jouet for celebrating her Partnership promotion. It was lovely and took some of the hardness of the afternoon away.

We ordered Thai food, and set the kitchen table and Stephanie went to get the food. The best Thai food and they don't deliver.

Stephanie got home and it had started to snow. We were do to get 4-7 inches. We sat at the table, and I had made a salad to go with the Thai food. Stephanie was so happy, and so excited about the pay raise and what that meant for us. I told her that was her's and she would hear nothing of it.

It lead into our next conversation  that I think coming from me, was a surprise to Stephanie. I suggested getting married sooner rather than later, and maybe doing a quick ceremony with my priest, in my quaint stone church that would be decorated the way we wanted, and then doing a reception at the Wentworth by the Sea where we went for our first night, our engagement and now perhaps our reception. I told Stephanie she would need a passport and at least three weeks off of work for our honeymoon.  "Well I will have to give proper notice to get that time of time off from work. I understood that, which is why I was bringing it up now.  She was very excited!

She asked, "How many guests do you want?"

I answered, "I want the people we want there to be there, so I really don't have a number. Remember this is my second marriage, so I feel a little sheepish about the entire thing."

We enjoyed dinner and the champagne, and Stephanie said, she wanted to contribute to our savings and our regular savings, that we were just starting out. I said okay, "But I will put in the same you put in,are we clear?" She nodded and said, "Things were really going well for us." I said "Yes, in a lot of ways this is true, but my injuries and operations were hard on me, and I had gotten into it with my ex wife today. I don't want to spoil the night and everything is fine, I am just struggling a bit."

Stephanie felt bad, which I didn't want, and she said, "Of course this is very hard on you. You need to articulate yourself more when it comes to the injuries, because you seem fine, and inside I know you are not." My eyes welled up, which was the last thing I wanted, and Stephanie got off her chair and came and hugged me tight. I felt like such a stooge honestly.

We declared dinner over, and I told Stephanie I would do the dishes in the morning. We stacked up all the dirty ones, and she still had work to do for the practice. We went into the study, and I jokingly said, "I think I have permanent company in my study and I love it."

We kissed a U-ME kiss and both sat down at our computers. I was blogging about character and injuries, and Stephanie was writing out a guest list for the wedding. I laughed to myself and kept on blogging, We finished up in the study like two hours later, and the snow was really beginning to accumulate. We shut off the lights, and I went into my bathroom, and Stephanie went into the other, and we both got ready for bed.

I opened up a diet sprite out of the bedroom refrigerator and got on my side and asked Alexia to play Beautiful People. It started to play immediately and Stephanie had but on one of her sexy nighties and laughed a devilish laugh as she cuddled up to me. I was glad I told her about my discussion with my wife, as I would tell her the details later. One thing lead to another and soon U-ME were one hot mess of passionate mayhem. I didn't look at the clock and passed out as did Stephanie.

I woke up around four am and made a sandwich and went to the 24 hour store with Julia Bleu. I got my coffee, and although it was very snowy and slushy outside I was glad we went. I took my golden elixir with the Adderall and perused Facebook for awhile. Soon Stephanie was up, and everything changed. She was worried about the roads, so wanted to get a jumpstart on getting to work. She hurriedly got showered and dressed, and gave me a big treat. The other partners at the practice had pitched in and gave her 10,000 for her promotion. I was crazy incredulous and said, "What do you want me to do with it.?" She said, "Really? Get Stephanie inked on your arm. No, I am sort of kidding, but put it where you think it should go." I said, "Stephanie, I can't take this from you, it is yours." She said rather sternly, "It is ours end of story." We kissed and she was off and out the door. I asked her to text me when she got to the office. "Of course ," she answered.

I got to thinking about my swamp swagga friend enemy who does beautity pageants. I follow her, and stay quiet. When I speak you will hear her screams from wherever you are. She put down a woman in an ad, saying, "Ew Her? I mean there are a lot of good looking Italian women out there and they had to pick her.? " I was amazed at her meanness and cattiness. She is NO raving beauty but that isn't what life is really about or is it for some? I mean Stephanie is stellar in the looks and personality department, but I would have married her just for her pure heart. I don't know why this woman bothers me so much, other than I am out 16,000 plus for the time I spent with her. Granted she owes me 7,200 but I still spent a lot of money on this troll. She makes me mean, I look at the way I talk about her, and it isn't nice. I try to be open-minded but she really gets me all worked up. I haven't seen a post from her in over a day, and nobody is responding to her site. I wonder if she caught on I was following her and moved her site? I sort of doubt that I think she would just block me from this site as well.  I have to let her go, my anger towards her on a multitude of levels is not good, or healthy. I am just going to leave her alone and when I am ready let her have it.

Today the weather is really crappy. No weather to go to school and fill out the necessary paperwork I need to get into the system.

My Bella had a two hour delay but it is still snowing here and supposed to turn to freezing rain later this afternoon.

I have been journaling a lot, and working through my personal angst about injuries, and operations. I have just got to suck it up and deal as best I can, as this could be a lot worse for sure.

I am blogging later on Tweakedboi and I am going to do some house picking up, and maybe some laundry. I have to clear my old bed off as my cousin Robyn comes next week and the room has to be all set up and all my stuff needs to be moved.

I am going to take an hour and get my bedroom done and my laundry in. I hope Stephanie is having a good first day as partner, and that her commute home isn't too bad.

I need to just write an entire tell all about swamp swagga. Even if I don't post it I know I will feel better. Trapped inside-the winter's ills have me sequestered.



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