Thursday, January 19, 2017

Corey's Comeback Today

Today marks the beginning of an unexpected comeback on my part. I got up and blogged and got some things done around the house.

I then got a little motivated and tried to go to the gym, but 2 times Julia Bleu made me feel too guilty. I knew I had to make her and myself something to eat. I made some quick egg salad and she was very happy.

I then put on my gym sneakers and my plan was to do cardio and abs if possible. I journaled on the bus on the way to the gym, and was surprised I was really going.

I got off the bus and walked the little way to the gym and they looked at me like, who are you? I smiled and said I haven't really been using my membership but I YOU will be seeing a lot more of me. I put my jacket in a locker without a lock which I reminded myself I needed to buy. I wasn't sure what they had for bikes and I really wanted a spinning bike. They had something close to it but without an instructor I was forced to do the program in the machine. I picked intensity level 8 at 30 minutes, and if you saw my stick legs, without wrinkles above the knees, you would have laughed at me- I did. I am ridiculously too skinny, but not fat skinny, I am super toned, with abs, and shoulders from all my push-ups. I forgot my beats, so no music except gym music. Yeah I felt the same way. I got the bike all situated for myself and jumped up with one arm in a full length cast, and away I went. I was dying at the 15 minute mark and then I saw it......the dreaded incline. Oh my, well I did it, and I didn't have a heart attack. At the end, I was weak and dizzy but I thought of swamp swagga, and she is fat and big along with manly, and I am none of those things and I will not give up my lean mean skinny assed body.

I was a bit shaky getting out the bike but I don't think anybody noticed. I then made my way to the ab room and kick ass on my obliques, lower abs, and my natural almost eight pack. I finished with the roman chair weighted down with a thirty five pound weight. Now I felt like they could call for help, what the fuck was I thinking, I am not in shape to kill it like I did today. I was so sweaty and chilled really fast. I put on my unlike gym sweater and took my knap-sack not looking the part at all, but trust me the up-town swagger is starting to blossom.

I sat down but was afraid I might not be able to get back up. I drank my diet sprite, and finally bothered to look at the others at the gym. Same trash as usual. Girls with asses too big, and guys all that with stick for legs taking 'roids. So not my scene. I thought I am going to talk to Stephanie about putting in a full gym in our new house. Surely she wouldn't want me to be hanging out here.

I finally felt like I could stand up and I went to get my coat out of the locker room. On the way out, I had up-town swagger, and the chick behind the desk waved bye. Right, no attention on the way in, but a bit of respect on the way out.

I had missed the next bus, but needed to go to the grocery store to return farm milk bottles, and get some more milk. Did that and there was a plaza with a Bed and Bath, which I don't shop at but I like to look around. Most of you know I burn a candle every afternoon, and I don't care what color is-they had their Christmas stuff marked down to 75 percent off and I found these super cool silver pillars. The sign said, discount taken at register but these candles were originally marked 8.99 and there was a new price of something close to 75 percent off. I went to the cashier and she rang them up at the lower price. I said, excuse me the sign says the discount taken at the register. I knew someone had made a mistake but I was coming out on top, heck today is my come back! Manager came, and said, "Yes you need to take another 75 percent off." She glared at me, and I smiled as I paid a 1.29 for 2 amazing silver candles. I said, "I think I got the best out of this sale."

Back out into the sunshine my legs still shaky and my whole body exhausted, I went to wait for the bus. I will do this for the month the cast is on my arm, and then when they brake my foot in two places, I will go Tarzan on the upper body weights with lots of HIIT. That ensures the shredding and not the ugly bulk.

You never know when your life is going to change and give you a sunny day and a gym calling my name. One visit and I am hooked, although I need to get out my gym clothes that are all going to be too big, and I will have to figure something out.

I came home, without a treat for Julia, and she was so happy to see me it didn't matter. I sat at my desk and called my ex wife. We talked about Bella and what a great kid she is, and then I called my mom in Florida for the Bella report which she loves. I am feeling tired but so good, and happy.

I am going to jump in the shower, and then blog a blog I started last night. I got to clean the kitchen, but being ready for my girl is more important.

Today rocked. Corey is back, and I am meaning business!



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