Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Corey Britton Making It Count!

I have just been given the news on my body that I needed. I can't crutch until my hand is out of the cast and the bones are fully healed.

I need to make this time count in many ways. I have to take advantage of the no foot operation and no crutching in the ice and snow. I must get to the gym for cardio, and abs, and let my body heal properly. I plan on really eating well and hopefully strengthening my legs, and my core, while getting ready for this invasive foot operation.

School and Rainbow Nation are my day time priorities and Bella and Stephanie are my afternoon and night time priorities. I hope to get all the paperwork done to tweak my major change, and be really in a position with international consulting to going back to making the big bucks when I want to work, which will not be all the time. As long as Bella has summers off from school, I want some flexibility to spend time with her.

It looks like I will graduate with a 4.0 GPA and I am already inducted into the hardest honor society there is to get into. I am not sure if after missing two semesters to work on the Clinton Campaign I have to reapply for the honor society. I will do whatever I have to do, and tomorrow I will go to school and get my paperwork started for major change and readmission after missing two semesters.

The field of cyber security and systems management is very underrepresented by females, so out pops Corey as a female, and just like that I don't have to pay any money and I get good to great job opportunities because of my age 40 and over. I can't imagine doing what my friend enemy did and work in the same dental field with no advancement educationally for 19 years. Seems so stale and boring, nevermind predictable. I need fast paced, dynamic and changing work environments along with working with different people throughout the world.

Tomorrow I will go to school and nail down, my future and the end of school, and the beginning of my new career. I haven't a clue if Stephanie and I are have a baby, so if we do, I will be not working, and staying home with our love child. If Stephanie wants to stay home she can too, I will make it work for both of us to stay home. My friend enemy worked and never raised her kids, and had them with quick divorces and they were right on top of each other. She hasn't a nurturing bone in her big body, call it muscle, it is big, and she triggers my anorexia because I never want to look and carry myself like her.

Tomorrow I hope to really wrap up school plans for summer semester, and I will take a programming boot camp on-line during the next few months. I am going to take one late start course and it is the hardest math course offered. Did all the calculus classes and that was a breeze.

I hope to take the math course this spring semester and then take my programming boot-camp and start summer semester in May. I will have my foot operated on by then.

I need to maximize all my time, and today, I need to write my missive for Rainbow Nation for Equality for my moderator and colleague to see what she thinks of my vision. I need to flip it around to a 501-C non-profit and get going with the National piece. We need a national presence and voice as soon as possible.

Today, I have to also get the study organized, as there is work, budgets, money as in cash, all over the place.

I want to make 2017 a year that is defining in Corey Britton's life. I can't do it alone, so with Stephanie, and Michelle from Rainbow Nation, and school and the various departments I have to work with, and most importantly my effort to these goals, I hope to really see some Bang! of achievement at the end of 2017.



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