Monday, January 16, 2017

Corey Britton- What People Say and Feel About Me!

I mentioned last night that after talking with Stephanie she made me think I could really do all that I planned to do, along with other people in my life these last couple of weeks.

It is what made me post the forget skinny I want to be badass.

I know and have always known being intersexed, I was different and beyond that I was unique and didn't really have any peers to call peeps. I don't subscribe to labels, and when you live your life like that, you are different, and you have no boundaries, or borders set up  around your person.

In my early twenties I was a hard ass trader on Wall Street and a big time player after work. I basically sold my self to the devil, and I don't think anyone would have said I was a good friend. I wasn't a bad person, I didn't hurt anyone, but I was very aloof, and walked a path all to myself.

After my divorce I was rocked to my core. I was so in love with my stellar wife, and again I didn't do anything wrong, I just didn't know how to be a partner. I dated a lot of crap, maybe one nice playboy centerfold, but the rest were trash, and used my fragile soul and self-esteem that was in the toilet to get me to buy them all things material. It was the lowest part of my life, yet I stayed with therapy to learn all I could and I did come out a much different and much better person.

I dated and started making this circle of friends, that are my friends today. It is how I met Stephanie as a friend and never would I have thought this girl would like me.

I dated randomly, didn't work because I don't need to, and basically just got up and had a play day everyday without much ambition or direction. I decided a couple of years ago to work on my Ph.D. and I have done that where I only have a couple of semesters left.

Friends told me about Stephanie but she was my best friend and I could ever risk losing her. I continued to date until I dated the junkie. When I met the junkie I was traversing some unchartered territory for myself, and my being a good, and real friend, and finding kindness as my new religion were all right in front of me, and I wanted to be a good person all the way around, and be the best parent and ex-spouse I could be. There was a lot of growing inside of me as I inched closer to my 40th birthday.

I even wanted to help the junkie out with whom I had no romantic feelings or desires. I guess I really changed and evolved during that time. I was on a mission with school, then blogging, and so many other things that I wanted to do.

The junkie was dropped and left to figure her mad mess out, and I started getting these compliments from friends and associates. They were about how different I was, there was no one else like me, I lived a life most people can't and don't. People started telling me how unique and special I was honestly. I couldn't believe they were talking about me.

Stephanie is a huge part of any good that resides in me. So is my daughter Bella. I just had a really close friend tell me I can do and be anything and they don't know anyone else like that. Another friend honestly told me I was perfect for President, and I said ummm no, not with this past of mine.

I am finally finding what I lost so long ago, and stopped trying to become anything or dig deep like I do everyday to try to reach and supersede my potential.

I will share more of complicated Corey Britton, but know this year is about accomplishments, and my two girls, Bella and Stephanie.



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