Tuesday, April 25, 2017

New Dawn-A Fellow Addict's Words

I went to a new addiction center yesterday called SOS Recovery Organization. I attended their first inaugural  meeting at 2 pm. I got to the center around 1 pm. A guy that I had met at the other center I attend came and sat down with me. We talked for the entire hour before for the meeting.

Mike  is an older guy and as a result his words and depth run deeper than most addicts. I  met Mike when I was fresh out  of the hospital and struggling not to whirl right  out of my seat. I was completely electrical and beside myself. At that particular meeting in mid-March I recalled Mike sat down next to me and kept his head down and his hands clasped.

He started by saying that at that meeting he felt so bad for me he prayed the entire meeting for me. I told him I used prescription drugs and had gone in the hospital for a detox. I shared with him that I gotten worse when I came out of the hospital and was only now starting to see improvement. Mike mentioned that he too went into the hospital for a 17 year addiction to prescription opiates as well as heroin. He shared that it took until day 51 until he began to feel human again.

I was surprised we shared such similar stories although his history was much longer and extensive  than mine. What Mike did was give me, this suffering addict,  HOPE.

I wanted to cry tears of gratitude for sure however, none would come.  We went to the  2 pm meeting and the discussion topic was gratitude. Mike said he was grateful to help another suffering addict out as it was important for him to give away what he had. I knew that is how recovery works but I had yet to expeience it in this particular way.

I went home and waited for Stephanie to get out of work. I texted her that I had met someone really special . The kindred feelings that were evident between us two addicts was nothing short of a miracle. Neither of us had  to go through detox and get clean however, we choose the road less travelled. We were both here to talk about it and in talking and sharing we both discovered the true magic and wonderment of recovery.

I was left propelled to start showing up and be  there for my loved ones and family. I am indeed getting better and I have the knowledge now that another addict went through the living hell I am experiencing and that it does get better.

I prepared dinner for U-Me last night and surprised her when she got home. One of the messages I heard at my meeting on Sunday at noon was to get out of my comfort zone.  My fellow meeting makers challenged me on Sunday to go to the Recovery event  and dare to be uncomfortable. U-Me did just that and we were both so happy that we went. We partook in a raffle and yesterday at the new recovery center I learned we had actually won.

Last night I prepared a wonderful dinner that U-Me shared. Unlike every other weekday night since I have gotten out of the hospital we watched a movie on Netflix and stayed up like it was a Friday night. Stephanie was really happy and psyched to see me cooking and the color come back to my face.

Tonight I am going to a new recovery meeting at 5:30pm something I would never do since getting out of the hospital. I am looking forward to a productive  day after my weekday morning meeting. I have set aside some household chores I want to tackle over the next few days and the weather is lousy so all is well.

I look forward to extending my discomfort  zone and daring to step right in the middle of it.



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